Note that new rules have been introduced this month in Korea for all Thai nationals. The Thai Embassy in Seoul has stated that certain rules have changed and this has again bee repeated in the Bangkok Post. Note the changes are as follows:
Thailand and South Korea have had a mutual visa agreement that Koreans can enter Thailand for a period of 90 days with the need for a visa. This was also extended to Thai nationals entering Korea. With the visa crackdown in Thailand not long back Korea has also started the own changes in what they claim are Thai nationals abusing the visa system.
Thai nationals entering South Korea now need to “prepare necessary documents and travel plans to avoid being refused entry”. From the Bangkok Post:
- As of March, a total of 52,435 Thais were found to have stayed illegally in South Korea, or 58.1% out of a total of 90,235 Thais staying there, said the embassy, citing statistics from the South Korean Immigration Office.
If you are going to south Korea then you need to ensure that you have the following:
- round-trip air tickets,
- hotel reservations,
- sufficient funds for the duration of their stay, and
- travel itineraries
You can read the full article on the Bangkok Post with the link at the bottom.
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