If you are in Xiamen China then you will find the Thai Consulate in Xiamen listed below. We have added a map with their contact details such as their email, telephone numbers and email addresses. Note their office hours and that a Thai visa takes on average 5 days to issue. You can speak to the Thai Consulate about your visa options for Thailand. Note the Thai Embassy in Beijing is the only Embassy in China.
Thai Consulate in Xiamen
There are a number of Consulates in China, these include the Thai Consulate in Chengdu as well as the Thai Consulate in Shanghai. See each page and what type of Thai visa you can apply for or if you are a Thai national then a what type of consular assistance you can obtain.
You can also the the consular assistance listed below for Thai nationals. As for the visa applications, see the process that you will need to follow. This include the visa requirements. Also see the Google maps to the Consulate added below. You can search this website for more information for Chinese nationals visiting Thailand.
Thai Consulate in Xiamen | |
Street Address: | Building No.3, City Hotel Xiamen No. 16 Hu Yuan Road Xiamen Fujian, PRC. 361003 |
Telephone: | (86) 592- 202-7980 |
Fax: | (86-592) 205-8816 |
Email: | thaiconsulate.xmn@mfa.go.th |
Business hours: | Monday to Friday 9.00 – 12.00 , 13.30 – 17.00 hrs. Monday to Friday (Process Visa 5 working Days) Apply Visa : 9.00 – 11.30 hrs. Collect Visa : 13.30 -15.30 hrs. |
Thai Emergency Hotline : 181 5090 7662
旅游签证 (Tourist visa) 费用 240 RMB
凡赴泰旅游、短期访友和探亲者需办此类签证旅游签证可在泰国停留不超过60 天。 申请人须上传到系统的材料如下:
1. 护照复印件
3. 个人声明(从系统下载签字后上传)
4. 已确认的往返机票或订票回执
5.个人不低于10,000人民币/家庭不低于20, 000 民币的存款证明
6. 泰国住宿凭证如酒店预订单及支付凭证
照、泰国签证等,另如果有未成年随行,需附上英文随行说明函及小孩出生证或户口本证明) 7. 身份证扫描件
8. 申请人所有护照页扫描件(包括空白页)
9. 申请人手持护照首页的照片
10. 泰国卫生部出具的隔离函 AHQ
11. 泰方医院出具的说明函
12. 泰方医院营业执照
2. 签证费不可退
3. 本总领事馆保留增加所需文件的权力
4. 材料以PDF 格式上传且每份文件不超过3M,如部分材料在系统没有选项可上传时,可附与其 他任意材料一起上传
目前泰国已开始无贴纸电子签系统,申请人需要在泰国电子签证官网 www.thaievisa.go.th 提交签证申请,原则上申请人在线上完成签证申请后,无需到领馆提交护照和材料原件。 材料提交齐全后三个工作日内会受理签证,部分签证需要等审核30天左右。签证通过后, 申请人必须在出行前7个工作日通过 tp. consular.go.th 提交 Thailand Pass 申请。因此, 请规划好时间,以免耽误您的行程。
1.支付签证费用前,请仔细核对信息,确保信息正确、材料上传齐全清晰,否则签证一旦提 交签证费不可退;
2. 文档多页材料请以 PDF 格式扫描上传,在确保內容清晰的情况下每份文档不超过3M,如部 分材料在系统没有选项可上传时,可附与其他任意材料一起上传
3. 请如实填写申请人本人信息,如联系电话,详细家庭地址等,所上传的材料真实有效,
4. 领馆保留增补材料的权力
签证处对外开放时间: 上午 9.00-11.30 下午:13.30-15.30
电话: (86)0592-2027980/0592-2027982
Thai ID Card Renewal
If you need to renew your Thai ID card in Xiamen then you can contact the Thai Consulate in Xiamen. You are going to have to call them to make an appointment. You will also need the following documents.
- Your original Thai identity card;
- Your original Thai passport;
- Copy of your Tabian Baan; (Thai house registration)
- Also the 5 Yuan fee
Likewise you can all the Consulate or the clerk at 131 7835 5499 in China. Remember that you can replace your Thai ID card if is is about to expire or if the card has been damaged. If you lost your card then you will need to report this to the local police. They will give you a case number and you will need this for the Thai Consulate for your new Thai ID card.
New Passport Application
You will need to make an appointment to get a new Thai passport. Before your Thai passport expires you should apply for a passport renewal. If you lost your passport you will need to ensure that you have reported the loss to the local police. When you apply for a new passport they will want the case number to show that the loss has been reported. The following documents are required for a new Thai passport. always renew your Thai passport at least 6 months before it expires.
- Your old Thai passport about to expire;
- Your Thai ID Card;
Currently the new passport costs 350 Yuan.
If you lost your passport. Report this to the local police. Take the notification receipt to the immigration office of the locality where you enter China. The Immigration Department will confirm your entry by issuing a notification voucher. Take this with you to the Embassy or Consulate.
Thai Consulates in China:
There is the Thai Consulate in Shanghai as well as the Thai Consulate in Guangzhou and the Thai Consulate in Kunming. Secondly there is also the Thai Consulate in Chengdu as well as the Thai Consulate in Xi’an and the Thai Consulate in Xiamen. Finally there is also the Thai Consulate in Nanning as an example. Likewise there is also the Thai Embassy in Beijing on here.
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- Thailand Consulate in Xiamen